We're quickly approaching Easter, the most joyous season of the year. I always love Lent and the time it offers to reflect and prepare our hearts for the celebration of Jesus' resurrection. But as I was reading 1 John the other day, this verse stood out to me: "Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life" (1 John 5:12).
And I thought, wow, that's a really unpopular sentiment these days. No one wants to be told that there's only one way to heaven and that way is through Christ alone. Everyone wants to hear that all religions are basically the same or that as long as you try to be a good person, you'll go to heaven. But the thing is, this verse isn't sentiment, it's Scripture. And it's pretty clear: there's only one way to eternal life, and that's through Jesus.
As we approach Easter 2019, there are approximately 2.3 billion Christians in the world--praise God for that! But that means there are also more than 5 billion people who don't know that Jesus died for their sins. I'd say we have a lot of work to do sharing that message!
Some people will say it's hateful to say that "our" way is the only right way. And I confess I even hesitated to post this because what if someone takes it the wrong way and thinks I'm trying to offend them? But the thing is, it's not "our" way. It's God's way. And in his grace, it was also his way to send his Son into the world to die for our sins when we had done nothing to deserve that forgiveness. It's not hateful or offensive to share that message. It's love that compels us to tell others about Jesus. Love for them and love for our Savior.